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How to Build a Professional Team to Build Your Dream Home

Paul Denikin

Image courtesy of Unsplash

Building the house of your dreams is an exciting experience. However, to ensure things go according to plan, there are five professionals you will want in your corner. Here’s how to select a top-notch team of pros to help you during this journey.

Look for a Lender

Probably the least exciting part of the home building process is finding a home lender to work with, but it’s a must-have, and you need to complete this step early in the process. As Bankrate explains, qualifying for construction loans is more challenging than a mortgage for an existing home. Your finances will be more carefully scrutinized, with a higher credit score required than with a conventional mortgage, and you will need extra funds set aside to handle any bumps along the way. Your builder will also be examined, with the lender’s goal being that you choose someone who will build a high-quality home.

Get the Best Builder

Many people think they can act as their own builder, but as the Home Builders Association of Knoxville explains, unless you have a background in home building, there are too many risks you take on when you DIY. Professionals know the logistical ins and outs of the home-building process; there are building permits, subcontractors to hire, supplies to order, and so forth. Missing any steps can lead to major delays and extra expenses — and that’s without unforeseen problems, such as weather or excavation issues. Ask around for references, or use search tool to find a pre-vetted builder.

Develop a Great Design

You might have some general concepts in mind for your dream home, but it takes a professional architect to give wings to your ideas. An architect can take your dream and create a practical design for how the home will look and function, meshing your specifications with realistic building practices. These professionals typically talk with you about things like how much entertaining you do, future family plans, and what your hobbies are. As a result, your new home will reflect not only your vision but the way you live as well.

The other option is to find blueprints online, although you miss out on the opportunity to tailor your new home to your lifestyle. An architect can also make adjustments if you run into hiccups, like an erosion issue, or if you find a property with a spectacular view you want to take advantage of. Either way, the schematics will help set the course for your home to be built.

Industry Insights

Unless you have land you already own, a real estate agent is a crucial resource in the home building process. Your agent has her fingers on the pulse of the local market and can help you sort through the duds to find the property of your dreams. She knows what properties are on the market, when new ones come available, and what their pros and cons are. She can advocate on your behalf as well, representing your interests throughout the buying process and ensuring everything flows in accordance with area requirements. Plan to interview potential candidates to find someone who understands your vision and has experience with new construction.

Lean on a Lawyer

Real estate purchases, construction contracts, mortgage loans, and the like, are all legally binding agreements. Having an attorney on your team can help you sort through red tape and ensure your home build goes without any legal snags. Consider hiring a lawyer an investment in your time, energy, and emotions, because these professionals can set you up for a smooth process, and protect you in all the agreements in which you’re entering.

Building a new home is exciting, but it can also quickly become overwhelming. Assembling the right team of professionals ensures you’re set up for success. Hire an attorney, find a great real estate agent, and create sound schematics. Then, hire a stellar builder and approach your lender, and soon your dream home will become a reality!

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